Wednesday, April 24, 2019


This was one of the most interesting topics presented I think because of how deceiving propaganda can be. It's all about misleading people in order to push a political view. To think a political party could lie to thousands or even millions of people is crazy to me. The amount of effort and time that has to go into telling a lie to that meaning people is amazing. It also can show how deep or corrupt something truly is.

The media can spread propaganda throughout the country to control people see and believe. A lot of people hear what is on the media and believe what they hear. Not only could the media be lying but the information released to them could also be a lie. The idea propaganda is very interesting because you never really know if it's propaganda until it's exposed.

During the presentation of group 1 they talked about how propaganda has been used for years to push certain political parties. They also talked about how propaganda has been used throughout the years and the infamous example of the Nazi's during their controlling years of Germany. They also talked about how propaganda was not only used in the political world but it also could happen in everyday life in the media on any given subject.

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