Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is hot debate around the country. Net Neutrality is what keeps the internet free and open to everybody. The result of it is keeping private companies from regulating what is heard or seen on the internet.

The only problem is Net Neutrality isn't exactly a thing as of June 11, 2018. The FCC repealed Net Neutrality stopping its existence after being passed in 2015.

The debate is all about having regulations on private companies or not. As we all know the traditional beliefs of the democrats is a larger government with more regulations on private businesses, while republicans traditionally believe in less regulations for private companies. Net Neutrality puts restrictions on what Internet Service Providers can do with their services. It prohibits them from being able to profile people, basically. The big issue at hand with Net Neutrality is that it prevents this companies from blocking peoples access to the internet. The argument the companies have against this is that those regulations don't need to be in place because there is no real danger of banning someone individual from accessing the internet.

A compromise is in need. Net Neutrality is a good thing when it comes to not letting the Internet Service Providers regulate what people can and can not see on the internet. It also takes too much control on these providers by not allowing them to charge extra to those who use the most bandwidth. A easy middle ground would not be hard to find if both parties could come along and agree on a simple compromise.

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