Sunday, March 3, 2019

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. The highest level of the Judicial branch the Supreme Court is an important part of the check and balances system. The Supreme Court is responsible for making sure both the Legislative branch and Executive branch are not violating the constitution.
The Supreme Court consist of nine member that are all appointed by the acting president. Once appointed by the president the candidate then has to be voted in by Congress. All justices remain on the Supreme Court until they decide to stop serving. The Supreme Court only hear around 100 cases a year out of thousands that are sent to them. Many cases are sent back down for the lower courts to handle.
The Supreme Court will make their decision and they will release the reasoning for how both sides of the justices voted. The Supreme Court has never been perfect and never will be. This is simply because nine humans are in control to uphold our constitution to their best possible ability and knowledge. 

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