Monday, February 25, 2019

The Cross in Road

This article is about the separation of church and state. Honestly, this case is ridiculous and I cant believe it is a case. The American Humanist Association has brought up a case saying that a cross that sits in the median of a highway is unconstitutional. The American Legion is arguing saying that the cross was put up after World War 1 by the mothers of this towns falling soldiers.
The cross was put up almost 100 years ago in Bladensburg, Md. The mothers of the fallen soldiers were putting it up until they ran out of funds. This is when a local parks commission took over the project and finished the 40 feet cross.
The case brought to the court is asking for the cross to be moved to private property. The American Legion representatives are saying that it is not a religion symbol and was put up as a memorial for the fallen soldiers. On the other had the American Humanist Association says that the cross is simply always a symbol for Christianity, although the cross has nothing religious on it.
Here is my point on this whole thing. Why does a cross on the side of the road bother someone so much? This group is going to go through all this trouble just to remove the cross from the side of the road and put it one someones private property. This cross is just there, you literally see it for the seconds you drive by and it's not making anyone mad. But this group is going to go out of the way and make all these people mad just to get it moved. People like this need thicker skin and they are soft, plain and simple.

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