Tuesday, March 26, 2019


The iPhone has been out since 2007 and has forever changed society. When Apple released the iPhone they created a new meaning to a smartphone. My first phone was a call the juke. It severed as a music player and also a phone when twisted open. It didn't take more than three years until the juke was upgraded for the iPhone 4 sometime in 2010.
Although I was not a pioneer of the iPhone I did not hesitate to become an early adapter. Many kids my age and younger were early adapters and the early majority as users of the iPhone. The late adapters consisted of people around my parents age, which would have been in their 40's at the time the iPhone was released. There are a good amount of people out that favor the iPhone over any other smartphone, but it is better plain and simple. I know many people that are laggards as far as getting an iPhone and one of them is my 85 year old grandpa. So, basically if you don't have an iPhone yet you are just like my grandpa.
There are people everywhere that have iPhone's. No matter where you go in the world there will always be someone with an iPhone. That is just the day and age of how popular and useful these phones are to people. Because of the phone being so valuable the early adapters, the majority, and late adapters will always continue to keep the saturation percentage high.

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