Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Pro Trump Arizona Students Punished

Arizona republicans are seeking out the Attorney General to investigate students that were punished for wearing MAGA clothes. A letter was written to the AG asking asking him to look into if the faculty at this school violated the students first amendment rights. It is said that the faculty at the high school ordered the students to remove their pro Trump attire during a "party in the USA" theme day. The school has released a statement saying that the students were not asked to remove the attire for political reasons but for safety reasons.

My opinion of this situation is Arizona is that it is ridiculous. It amazes me that the school is saying that the people wearing the MAGA apparel are causing safety concerns and not the people that aren't. If what someone is wearing is causing others to feel some type of way that person just needs to simply grow up and mind their own business. This drives me crazy that people are that soft. It all starts with just minding your own business and stop worrying so much about what others are doing.

The AG office has released a statement saying that they are looking into it but do not know enough information about it to comment right now. If the AG is smart or isn't a soft person he would say that their first amendment was violated plain and simple.


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