Wednesday, April 24, 2019


This was one of the most interesting topics presented I think because of how deceiving propaganda can be. It's all about misleading people in order to push a political view. To think a political party could lie to thousands or even millions of people is crazy to me. The amount of effort and time that has to go into telling a lie to that meaning people is amazing. It also can show how deep or corrupt something truly is.

The media can spread propaganda throughout the country to control people see and believe. A lot of people hear what is on the media and believe what they hear. Not only could the media be lying but the information released to them could also be a lie. The idea propaganda is very interesting because you never really know if it's propaganda until it's exposed.

During the presentation of group 1 they talked about how propaganda has been used for years to push certain political parties. They also talked about how propaganda has been used throughout the years and the infamous example of the Nazi's during their controlling years of Germany. They also talked about how propaganda was not only used in the political world but it also could happen in everyday life in the media on any given subject.

Samsung New Phone Delayed

The biggest Galaxy yet has a 7.3 inch screen when folded open. The phone was set to be released this Friday, but is now delayed due to feedback. The issues came with the most appealing feature the 7.3 inch screen. The screen has been known to break when folded open recent reviewers said.

Samsung release the following statement saying, need further improvements that could ensure the best possible user experience. To fully evaluate this feedback and run further internal tests, we have decided top delay the release of the Galaxy fold. We plan to announce the release date in coming weeks." Not only will this hurt Samsung as a company, but the phones reputation will never be able to recover.

Going forward the Samsung will be reviewing why this is happening to the phone during shipment. The people are saying the screen cover sent with the phone has began to mess up the actual screen of the phone. Another reviewer said after one day of use the left side of the screen just completely stopped working.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is hot debate around the country. Net Neutrality is what keeps the internet free and open to everybody. The result of it is keeping private companies from regulating what is heard or seen on the internet.

The only problem is Net Neutrality isn't exactly a thing as of June 11, 2018. The FCC repealed Net Neutrality stopping its existence after being passed in 2015.

The debate is all about having regulations on private companies or not. As we all know the traditional beliefs of the democrats is a larger government with more regulations on private businesses, while republicans traditionally believe in less regulations for private companies. Net Neutrality puts restrictions on what Internet Service Providers can do with their services. It prohibits them from being able to profile people, basically. The big issue at hand with Net Neutrality is that it prevents this companies from blocking peoples access to the internet. The argument the companies have against this is that those regulations don't need to be in place because there is no real danger of banning someone individual from accessing the internet.

A compromise is in need. Net Neutrality is a good thing when it comes to not letting the Internet Service Providers regulate what people can and can not see on the internet. It also takes too much control on these providers by not allowing them to charge extra to those who use the most bandwidth. A easy middle ground would not be hard to find if both parties could come along and agree on a simple compromise.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My Digital Footwork

My digital footprint is pretty big because of the spotlight my family has been put in. In the sports world of basketball my dad has a name. As for myself I am his son playing basketball at a division 1 school so I have also been a name searched. Searching my name just by itself I pop up with a little bio and a few websites. If I were to put my name and basketball following it a bunch of pictures pop up followed by articles written.

Non of my digital footprint is online because of what I have put out there. Most of what is out there about is found out through them searching my dad, my high school, and even High Point University.

To go in deeper on this topic of privacy, I want to say what is the big deal? Many of peoples lives are put out there on social media because of there on their own. All these people want attention and put themselves put there and acted shocked when something bad happens.

Another issue I have was with the 14 year old writing about how she stopped using social media. She was embarrassed by what her mom and sister had posted about her. Of course she is, she is 14 years old! She doesn't understand how insignificant an embarrassing picture on Facebook or wherever is. I have seen people rip my dad apart on the internet and even my mom for nothing other than not fulfilling expectations. As a family we laugh about what those people say bad about them or us because it doesn't matter. For some reason that 14 year old girl's article hit my nerves. She felt "betrayed' because her MOM posted "embarrassing" pictures of her when she was younger. Betrayed is when your spouse cheats on you or someone does something earth shattering behind your back, not your mom posting embarrassing childhood photos of you. Im sorry, but there are people being drug through the mud on social media a lot harder than she was or will be.

The last thing I have to say is, if you don't want everyone to know then don't post it. If you only want your friends to see something that's fine, but don't acted shocked when the world get ahold of it. Use social media responsibility getting attention for a certain amount of time is not worth ruining your whole life.