Monday, February 11, 2019

State of the Union Recap

President Trump gave his second State of the Union address on the 5th of February. He hit a multiple topics that are in the news everyday including border security, the government shutdown, the economy, and some of this accomplishments. At one point in the speech President Trump had both democrats and republicans standing and clapping cheer "USA" over and over again. The cheers came after President Trump stated that in the 2018 elections there were a record number of women voted into congress. This was an unfamiliar scene throughout the night.
During most of the speech the republicans were doing most of the standings for the President. Democrats were not big fans of when President Trump would talk about the border wall. Many of the Republicans were applauding and standing repeatedly for the President when he talked about illegal immigrants. There were no surprises on where the President was receiving his support from all night. One thing that stood out to me was reaction when abortion was talked about. President Trump called for the end of the late term abortions and most of the democrats showed little to no reaction. Late term abortion means killing the baby in the third trimester where it is almost fully developed and they remanded seated, it blew my mind.

Nonetheless the State of the Union address was a good speech. President Trump didn't say anything unexpected or outlandish that look away from the speech. This made the speech likable by both political parties and an overall success for the President.

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